Remmy | Car Baby Alert
the first device that gives voice to your baby in the car

the word to parents

when the child learns to unfasten the seat belt

More than half of the children unbuckle their seat belt
A team of researchers led by Dr. Lilia B. Reyes (Yale School of Medicine) interviewed 378 parents:"More than half of children are able to unbuckle the safety belt in a car seat while they are driving". 75% of children aged between 12 months and three years. The girls seem more likely to do so: 59% against 42% of boys.

Scolding the child is often not enough
"We found that young children are able to acquire the motor skills necessary to undo his belt before they even develop cognitive skills designed to understand why it is important to wear" says Dr. Reyes. Rebuke Children, especially very small, do not feel the danger. This can increase the risk of injury to the child about 3.5 times while the car is in motion.

the word to parents

Amico di Bob

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