Remmy | Car Baby Alert
the first device that gives voice to your baby in the car

the word to the expert

when fatigue can lead to blackouts

Word from Prof. Stefano De Feo Director of the Department of Mental Health of Bologna

It is a state of dissociation that causes us to forget vital actions. When a black-out occurs in delicate moments, errors can arise that will cause irremediable tragedies such as, for example, to forget a child in the car for hours.

It can happen to anyone. Stress factors due to overload of commitments from work and family, or it can be facilitated by lack of sleep. News stories demonstrate however, that the blackouts may occur even in situations of apparent peace of mind and without a real warning signs. We can prevent it with devices that help us to remember the presence of the child in the car.

Amico di Bob

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