Remmy | Car Baby Alert
the first device that gives voice to your baby in the car

how it Works

Remmy can be fitted to any baby seat and constantly monitors the presence of your child in the car,

  • It uses two different LED colors (blue and green) and beeps of different durations and types to indicate the proper functioning of the system and the events related to the child (presence and sudden shifts).
  • It is equipped with a silencer in case you do not want to wake the baby or disturb other passengers.
  • It is equipped with additional plug to allow the simultaneous use of the 9V socket for an eventual phone charger.

The additional plug (2) is a common cigarette lighter socket and can serve for the attachment of any device (mobile phone charger, computer, mini laptop, etc. Not working with the lighter electric car.)

the product


  1. It makes a sound check at startup to verify proper installation and operation;
  2. During the march, remmy reports any system abnormalities;
  3. You do not have to remember to turn it on. It is always active;
  4. Works on all types of cars, even those equipped with automatic start&stop.

Amico di Bob

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