Remmy | Car Baby Alert
the first device that gives voice to your baby in the car

let's talk

a voi la parola V001


In this section we give space to your daily stories, not necessarily related to your child or car (psychologists tell us that the phenomenon is extremely widespread).

Have you ever ran into a blackout that was resolved with a great sigh of relief? Has it ever happened to forget, even only for a moment to bring the child in kindergarten and go to the office?

Or, your baby has already managed to unfasten his seat belt? How did you react?

We are confident that sharing these experiences is useful to create the right awareness and a first step towards the total protection of our children.

You can write your experience more below, and share it on social, or, if you prefer, you can send us your story by dedicated form; so you can still make your contribution while remaining anonymous.

To send us your story using the form click here  click here

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Amico di Bob

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