Remmy | Car Baby Alert
the first device that gives voice to your baby in the car

Secure Payment

Our Credit Card payment system complies with security protocols of all major international payment circuits, verified by Visa and Secure Code Mastercard.  They guarantee immunity from fraud and the management of cv2 security codes.  The moment you pay with credit card you will be automatically forwarded to the CartaSi web site where you will be able to insert all information in a secure manner (card number, expiration date, security code).

Once the transaction is terminated, the system will bring you back to our web site.

Differently from what happens in off line commercial activities, REMMY.IT does not receive any of your credit card information.  This information is used only for your transaction, so for future orders you will have to input the data again.

The system used for PayPal payments is the same.  In this case, you will be forwarded to the PayPal website where you will conclude the transaction before getting back to our website.  Differently from the credit card, you will not have to insert your data every time but only username and password requested by the system.   It will be PayPal that will debit your card or your account according to the agreements completed between you and PayPal during PayPal registration.

You can verify if you are operating under security mode by doing as follows:

  • check that the address of the page you are in is preceded by https:// (instead of the usual http://);
  • look for the security symbol SSL (a key or a lock) in the lower part of the screen (right or left) within your browser.;
  • receiving a message from your browser that you are in SSL.




Amico di Bob

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