Remmy | Car Baby Alert
the first device that gives voice to your baby in the car

The Product

A simple idea from an important purpose

Remmy is a device designed to give the parent peace of minds their child’s safety while traveling by car, programmed to signal the “risky” movements of the child and to signal his presence from the moment you turn off the car.

activate Remmy in just a few simple steps. It’s easy to install and use, and gives anyone the opportunity to have a security support in the car.

compatible with every type of car seat and car, Remmy constantly monitors the presence of the baby, allowing the driver to take immediate action when needed.

Remmy is designed and made in Italy. It’s designed to avoid all risks of malfunctions or false alarms. There have been tests carried out by leading trade publications (Quattroruote and which certify its high reliability during each car trip.

Remmy is sold at a low cost so that anyone can buy it and integrate this “baby alert” it their baby’s car seat: a company policy in order to promote and spread the value of the safety of children in cars.

remmy functions

Amico di Bob

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