Remmy | Car Baby Alert
the first device that gives voice to your baby in the car
Remmy Singolo (un seggiolino nell'auto)
Il sensore di peso
il cuore di Remmy: la centralina

Remmy Single

Sales price: 79,00 €

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You need the version for 2 seats? There is Remmy Double!

Remmy, the CarBabyAlert, is the first system on the market designed for your peace and security of your baby while traveling in car.

It's a simple, intuitive, affordable and universal.

Remmy is programmed to perform 2 important functions:
1. Alerts you if, while driving, the child should accidentally unbuckling the belt and move from his seat;
2. Alerts you if the machine is switched off as soon as the child is still sitting in his place.

One of the main features of the Remmy is its ease of use and installation. Activating it is as easy as using a car charger for mobile phone. It only takes three simple steps:
just insert the device into the cigarette lighter, place the sensor under the lining of the baby car seat and stretch out the cable and carefully pass it under by the seat and under the mats.

That's it!

Remmy was conceived and designed so that there is no danger of malfunctions or false alarms. No batteries required nor any maintenance or installation.
You can mute it temporarily leaving active. Remmy will be automatically ready at the next  engine start.
You do not have to remove it to attack a phone charger, or a navigator, Remmy has an additional outlet for this! So not likely to forget to hang up your Remmy!

Number of seats
Item Weight
350 g
Product Dimensions (pack)
19,7 x 10,1 x 5,5 cm
Minimum weight
5 Kg
Maximum weight
30 Kg
Material Type
PVC, acetate, plastic
Electric 12v - powered by car battery
Type of alarm
LED Lights and Sound
Maintenance Instructions
Remmy is simple, requires no maintenance! Each time you start making a check to verify that the system is working. In order to ensure a correct operation of the system Remmy not open or tamper with its components

Test Remmy: l’allarme per non dimenticare i bambini in auto, il portale dell'automobilitsta mette alla prova Remmy testandone le sue funzionalità.


Sicurezza in auto: arriva Remmy il dispositivo salva bimbi


Video Prova - Stop ai bimbi dimenticati in auto


Amico di Bob

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